News Now App

Years ago, every company would have a notice board on which they would pin company news. The problem was, nobody bothered to look at the notice board. The result meant that many employees felt very detached from the company they worked for. Few actually knew what was happening within the company.

News Now App

News Now powered by Teamenty, has changed all that, taking full advantage of the fact that virtually all employees, from top management to trainees, have a smartphone.

Our News Now app means that every employee can now have a ‘company notice board’ in their pocket so they need never miss out on any company news again. There is ample research which underlines the fact that employee productivity increases when employees feel valued and better connected to the company they work for. It has also been shown that improved engagement with employees leads to greater employee retention.


News Now Can be Personally Branded to Your Company and with Additional Features

Better still, News Now can be customised from a White Label app to a branded app that makes it unique to your company to help increase a sense of all employees being part of a team, being a valued part of your company.

From using your company logo and brand colours, the News Now app can also be customised to include additional features such as sections for:

About the Company
Mission Statement
Company Handbook
Company Policies
COVID-19 updates

Additionally, options for employee feedback or participation in company surveys can be added.

Benefit for Management

The News Now app can provide user engagement statistics, which will provide management with details on the levels of users, comments left, news item views, popular content, etc.

Time tracking is also a valuable additional feature of the News Now app.


Employee Safety

Employee safety is paramount in any business. Depending on the nature of your business, there may be instances where all members of staff need to be immediately notified of any event that could compromise their safety. There is no quicker way of doing this than via the News Now app.


Reduce Damaging Rumours and Misinformation

Every workplace suffers from the negative impact of rumours and the spreading of misinformation. News Now will enable you to immediately deal with any instances of damaging rumours being spread and, with regular news updates, rumours can be eradicated before they even start.